Alysn Midgelow-Marsden – Hot, Wet and Sticky (2 day course)***4 Places have become Available***

Only 4 Places Remaining

Date: 5th November 2022 - 6th November 2022
Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Spaces: 1
Alysn Midgelow-Marsden - Hot, Wet and Sticky (2 day course)***4 Places have become Available***

Two Day Course – Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th November 2022


A mixed media and stitched delight using paper waxing, gilding and fibre felts. We will explore the possibilities of using our stashes of recycled, handmade or painted papers along with hot wax to create textures, antiqued surfaces, we will create fibre felts from linen and silk fibres and we will gild using fine metal leaf. Brought together with some inspiration from nature and from patterns in African textiles and jewellery, create unique, textured, fabulous surfaces including simple, bold hand stitching. All of the techniques used can be taken further in your own time.

Includes homemade lunch and refreshments

About the tutor

Alysn Midgelow-Marsden is an experienced freelance artist in fine art textiles, an author of several
books and numerous articles, a tutor and a gallery director. Awards include the Bernina Award for
the most Innovative use of the sewing machine, NZ, 2015. In addition, Alysn has professional
qualifications in Textiles and Embroidery, Professional Arts Practice, E-commerce. Alysn lived in the
Midlands of England for most of her life, and developed the Beetroot Tree Gallery, moving to New
Zealand in 2012.
Tutor Statement:
Alysn says: “I have an experimental and curious nature leading to continuously evolving works and
media; investigating new dimensions as they develop. The history and meaning of the materials I
choose is often critically important to the development of the pieces. Currently I am working in
copper, bronze, brass, stainless steel and pewter in the form of metal shims and woven metal fabrics
and wires, combined with a variety of papers, fabrics, pens, paints, threads and natural objects. I find
that it is a continuing pleasure to adapt my ideas into formats which can be taken on by fibre artists,
embroiderers or other creatives”

What you will need to bring

‘*’ denotes materials which are available to buy on the day.

‘#’ denotes materials or equipment which I will have available to use on the day if you do not have your own.


  • Materials Fee: If you choose to use materials I have brought to share there will be a fee of up to £10.00, dependant on the amount you use.
  • Any design sources you are working on (though working intuitively with what comes up is often a great way to create on a short course) #
  • Paper scissors
  • Non-stick baking parchment #
  • Pen and paper for notes or sketching
  • Hand stitching requisites
  • Hand stitching threads – a selection of what you have (inc. metal threads and some chunky threads)
  • Selection of beads and sequins
  • If you want to work with your sewing machine, you are most welcome. Bring machine, spare needles etc.


  • An old flat iron which you don’t mind getting very dirty #
  • Cheap paint brush
  • Dry flat paint brush ½” or similar
  • 2 J cloths (or more) #
  • Metal desert or tablespoon
  • Small water jug or similar
  • Plastic shopping bag or other to cover the table.
  • Craft heat gun and heatproof surface #
  • Stencils #


  • Range of Papers – include what you have of: wrapping paper, handmade papers, brown paper, tissue paper etc. (I will bring some also)
  • Light weight sew-in vilene or similar- approx. 1/4 m *
  • Old newspapers – 5 or 6 should suffice
  • Markal sticks(or other oil bars or solvent based metallics such as ink pads) from the iridescent or glitter range #
  • Candles or emergency/tea lights – 5 should suffice
  • Transfer adhesive/Vliesofix/Bondaweb –approx. A5 is plenty *
  • Acrylic size/Jones Tones medium for gilding *
  • Matt medium or matt varnish *
  • Dutch Metal (also known as transfer leaf or Schlag) *
  • Fibres – silk, linen, hemp, banana, soy, etc. – whatever you have as a selection * (Try Wingham wools or similar as a supplier)
  • Nylon organza/chiffons – selection of colours, including black. Max. 1/2m total. (I will have some also)
  • Heavy gel medium #


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