Amanda Hislop – Elements of the shore (a sketchbook exploration)SORRY FULLY BOOKED

Date: 22nd February 2020 - 23rd February 2020
Time: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
Spaces: -3

2 Day Course

Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd February 2020

‘I must go down to the sea again’ take a close look, find your sea view and respond making a collection of individual personal sketchbook pages exploring the concertina book form. Work through an expressive exploration using a variety of drawing media with simple collage techniques, with the option to include hand stitch into the pages.

During the workshop explore the creative potential of line and texture with restrained colour through experimentation with drawn marks and simple collage. Working with personal seascape inspiration, develop drawings observing shape, line and detail within your view, responding to personal experiences of the sea. Work intuitively with materials and mediums to create personal pages using line texture and colour; explore different qualities of drawn lines with resist, layered tissue and colour washes to free up and create expressive original abstract arrangements to form inspired sketchbook pages. Simplify, abstract and fragment images to create a highly personal record of inspiration and experimentation to be drawn upon in later work and to be appreciated in their own right.

an example of Amanda Hislop’s work

About the Artist

“I combines drawn and painted marks with the tactile qualities of thread, paper and fabric. The essence of the landscape and natural forms inspire my work. I use drawing to record fleeting fragments observed and absorbed; I look at the familiar, see the extraordinary and respond to subtle changes in view in the rhythmic motion of walking. The evocative moods of seasonal change and atmospheric qualities of light and changing weather experienced when walking are a constant source of inspiration.

Scale of work ranges from individual hangings, wall mounted panels and framed textile artworks”. 

What you will need to bring

In preparation for the workshop, explore a seascape theme; gather together a collection of inspiration to be incorporated into your sketchbook exploration in the form of personal photographs printed out, sketches and drawings, found objects perhaps, postcards and magazine cuttings.

  • Permanent drawing pens in choice of black, grey or sepia e.g Faber- Castell, Derwent graphic or similar.
  • Choice of coloured drawing mediums e.g Derwent Inktense blocks or pencils, aquarelle coloured crayons or pencils, anything you may wish to experiment with.
  • Needles for hand stitch into paper
  • Apron/overall, please wear suitable clothing.


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