Andrew Pitt’s Watercolour Workshop

Date: 22nd March 2014
Time: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
Spaces: 5

august-evening-on-the-île-de-bréhathaideejo Early Spring - Southwold Blackshore from Walberswick 001 On the Sea Wall - Rachel 002










This one-day workshop is suitable for painters of all abilities. Whether you are a beginner or a more experienced painter who has been disappointed by the way your pictures are turning out,  this workshop will offer fresh ideas and  renew your enthusiasm for this most elusive of mediums. During this workshop Andrew will paint a demonstration watercolour and will provide guidance on an individual basis according to your experience and style. Once Andrew has seen the group paint he will be in a better position to address the problems (if any!) that students have encountered. He will then do another demonstration to end the day, with the aim of addressing these difficulties.

All refreshments, a deli lunch and afternoon tea and cake are included.

About the Artist:

Andrew Pitt was born in Maldon, Essex and educated at the Gilberd School, Colchester and St. Andrew’s University.  He has been painting landscapes since he was 11. He has had many one-man exhibitions and has been teaching and giving demonstrations of painting techniques for over 40 years. He is particularly well known for his simple, direct teaching methods and the clarity of his explanations.  Andrew is known for his loose, fresh approach to watercolour and the simplicity of his style and his ability to explain clearly what he is doing, means he is much in demand as a tutor. In addition to giving demonstrations and running workshops for art clubs, Andrew tutors residential painting courses at venues across East Anglia.  Andrew has contributed many instructional articles to The Leisure Painter magazine and has also made an instructional painting DVD for Town House Films called Watercolour: Pure and Simple with Andrew Pitt, which features the artist painting in his studio and on location near his home on the Suffolk coast.  Andrew paints with the seasons – painting outside in all weathers – and concentrates on his home area of Southwold.

Equipment and materials

Please bring all the painting equipment you are familiar with.

The following is a guide only and is a brief description of what watercolour painting equipment Andrew will use.

Brushes: A large round brush for skies and other large areas, a medium and small brush that point well for detail.

Tube Watercolours: Blues – Windsor or Prussian, Ultramarine and Cobalt. Reds – Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna, Light Red and Cadmium Red. Yellows – Raw Sienna, Cadmium Orange and Cadmium Yellow. You can allow yourself one green, say Viridian.  Other colours Andrew occasionally uses are: Alizarin Crimson, Aureolin, and Cerulean Blue.

Paper: Bring the paper you are most familiar with. Suggestions are: Bockingford (140 or 200lb), Arches (140lb) Rough or Not surface. Fabriano (140lb) Rough or Not surface, Saunders Waterford (140lb) Rough.

Pencils: At least 3B or softer.

Other Items: Please bring a watercolour palette, water container, drawing board, some rag or kitchen roll and an easel, if you have one. If not we have these items which you may borrow.








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