All Materials Included
This workshop is perfect or these who would like to learn the minutia of machine embroidery, but it will also encompass other techniques, such as foiling and colouring backgrounds. It’s a great way to get to know your sewing machine by using different stitches and speeds, by the end of the day you will have produced approx 5 miniatures which you could display together or make brooches with.
I will also give you advice on machine needles and threads.
This is a great day to boost your confidence with machine embroidery.
Includes homemade lunch and refreshments
About your Tutor
Bev is joint owner of Old bank Studios along with husband Nigel and runs the separate textile studio which is fully equipped with high end sewing machines. This is what she says:
My background is in interior design and soft furnishing, for which I hold the highest level OCN and City & Guilds and am qualified to teach in adult education.
I am also a keen painter and over the years have enjoyed mixing it all up and exploring machine embroidery with mixed media.
I never stop experimenting and am privileged to have access to an endless source of materials and so many other talented artists and tutors
What you will need to bring
A sewing with free motion foot
Spare bobbins