Two Day Course
Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th May
Investigate deconstructing and subverting the narrative form of maps, or book-related objects to create new forms of mixed media paper and textile-based work, which reference a physical or reflective journey. Develop your visual narrative as you stitch, paint and collage a bound or modular work loosely based on a book-form.
Maps are a symbol for a journey, both physical through a favourite landscape, or part of travel reflecting a personal journey. In this workshop, you will investigate methods of deconstructing and subverting the narrative form of maps, old book and related objects to create new forms for mixed media paper/textile-based work. The references you select, books, texts, photocopies of your drawings, will direct the content and processes from layering and cutting techniques through to stitch, paint and collage. Your visual narrative can take inspiration from the urban/wild spaces of your choice.
Methods emphasize the use of waste material combined with some specialist paper and dye techniques adapted from the tutor’s own practice.
The pieces resulting from this creative exploration will be an improvised mixed media concertina, unfolding, bound or modular book form (although please note: this is not a bookbinding course).
- Combining paper and textiles.
- Investigation of mark-making techniques.
- Creation of folded and dimensional book-forms.
As you work through the course you may chose to make reference to the locality of Harwich and/or work from personal images, ideas and other materials you have collected for inspiration. Bring images/objects/books for inspiration.
COVER CHARGE: To cover specialist conservation paper and other materials supplied by Cas Holmes, no more than £10 per person
What you will need to bring
1-2 inch brush, 2/3 finer brushes, sponge.. Plastic ruler. Small sponge. Scalpel. Masking tape. Bone folder if you have one.
Cheap wax crayons for writing text and making rubbings, 2 –3 items of additional writing/drawing media of your choice.
Some colour media of your choice (Koh-I-Nor Fabric paints, Inks, Inktense/soluble watercolour crayons)
Basic sewing equipment:
scissors, assorted threads of your choice and one or two machine threads part of the course focuses on hand stitching for those who wish to stitch, but there will be 2-4 sewing machines available for a brief demonstration and practice for those who wish or you may bring your own (needed for day two),
Papers and Fabric:
Old books, maps or related objects or photocopies from books and images you like.
Assorted weights of papers from brown wrapping paper/potato sacks, tissue, glossy magazines, patterned paper, textured paper (wallpaper) oriental specialist papers, hand made-paper, etc.
Gathered ephemera to add detail or create fastenings: Lace, fabric scraps, staples, paperclips, pins, lacing, buttons, small found objects to print with. (This should fit in one carrier bag )
Piece of old sheeting/cotton, calico no more than half metre-metre length. This can be used as a base for the book-form to provide stability.
Notebook/camera (optional) Apron and plastic gloves.