Cas Holmes – Stitch-Sketch-Books: Textile Books

Date: 31st July 2021 - 1st August 2021
Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Spaces: -1

Two Day Course

Saturday 31st July and Sunday 1st August

Suitable for artists who enjoy taking time for experimental discovery, guided by Cas who enjoys introducing the serendipity of found materials into the art-making process.

Artists always make reference to other images and narrative. You can use pages from old books, maps and found printed materials as a starting point to create a new work. The materials, text and references you decide to use will direct the content and processes used from layering and cutting techniques through to stitch and paint.

During this workshop, participants will make small personal works with narrative, meaning and humour. Low-tech methods will transform raw materials and found objects into textile art. Simple drawings staining and colouring of pages, cutting, pasting, stitching and collage will be our primary tactics to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.
We will look at rubbing, staining and mark making, on paper and cloth using drawing/painting media and stitch. Reference will be made to paper lamination, layering of paper with found materials and fabric, using techniques adapted from Japanese screen making and paper crafts. As you work you will look at the references to text and other images you have collected. and consider how you may want to place them together.

Includes homemade lunch and refreshments both days

About the Artist

Cas Holmes  trained in fine arts and works between the disciplines of painting, drawing and textiles.  She refers to the wild spaces, the wasteland, roadside verges, waterways and the places where our gardens meet the greater landscape.These are the ‘common places’ which are not town or countryside,  but rather  ‘edgelands’, and have a strange beauty all of their own.

She produces artworks for public and private spaces and is represented in major collections including Arts Council England, Museum of Art and Design New York and the Embroiderer’s Guild. Working on collaborations with the community is an important part her practice and this is reflected in her publications which include Textile Landscape (2018) ‘Stitch Stories’ (2015) and the seminal  ‘The Found Object in Textile Art’  (printed for the four times since publication in 2010.

For further information on current exhibitions and projects see:

What you will need to bring

An old book, catalogue, magazine (or photocopies of some of selected pages), map, manuscript you are happy to cut and tear into. Photocopy images and photocopies of text. (preferably the book pages are not brittle with age)

Piece of calico,  coloured cotton or linen cloth, watercolour paper,or similar if you want to strengthen pages or add to a fabric or paper base.

2–3 items of additional writing media of your choice.(include at least one waterproof soft-tipped pen)


Small sponge

Glue stick for putting things in a sketchbook (such as Pritt)

Cheap wax crayons for writing text and making rubbings (please make sure these are non-washable)

Scalpel/X-acto knife

We will work with the colour found in your materials but you are welcome to bring small palette of colour if you want to use it, (such as koh-i noor.watercolour, acrylic paints such as Golden Fluid or Rowney ) paints/crayons/pencils/pens/,inks, whatever you have plus appropriate brushes)

Small collection of found materials and cloth fragments,  (no more than a carrier bag full!)

Nature History: Images and text relating to plant, insects, birds.

Land-Mapping; How things may unfold, be presented with signs and symbols.

Think of how things may be recorded, presented in books, maps as illustration/text, science etc

Your own theme if you have a particular project you want to develop  as well that relate to you your narrative.

Camera and notebook/sketchbook for recording progress

Wear suitable clothes for a workshop


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