Mike Riches – Capturing Life in a Sketchbook***Only 1 Place Remaining***

Date: 17th June 2017
Time: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
Spaces: -3


Mike Riches is a passionate sketcher and each of his many sketchbooks is simultaneously a work of art, a journal and future source of reference material. Join Mike as we venture outside to capture some of wealth of subjects and scenes to be found in Harwich.

The day will begin with a brief talk about the virtues of sketching, materials and methods, whilst taking the opportunity to view some of Mikes work. There will then be a couple of quick exercises in the studio to get warmed up, before heading outside to our first location.

Working quickly in pen (no pencils or erasers) – maybe adding colour if you want to – the aim of the day is to have fun, not worry about mistakes and to make as many drawings as you want to; as Mike says “it’s only a piece of paper….”

Note: Working outside is weather dependent. In the event of persistent rain the workshop will carry on in the studio with the help of projected images.

Includes homemade lunch, refreshments and cream tea

About the Artist

Mike considers himself extremely fortunate in receiving personal tuition in drawing and painting for five years during his teens. He continued to follow his passion for drawing whilst studying for a degree in Botany and Zoology at Leicester University. His entire working life involved teaching in primary, secondary and tertiary sectors, but upon retirement in 1997 he took up sketching again with renewed enthusiasm. Since then he has travelled extensively with wife Jill, always accompanied by sketchbook and pens.

What you will need to bring

A good quality A4 hardback sketch book with heavy weight cartridge or watercolour paper.

Waterproof drawing pens, sizes 03, 05, and 08.

Small watercolour box, 12 pans would be fine or any means of adding watercolour outside.

Watercolour brushes and water container.

Bulldog clip, rubber band to secure pages.

Light weight Folding Chair (Optional).

Check weather and bring suitable clothing and sun block – you never know!


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