Paul Alcock – Still Life in Oil

Date: 23rd November 2013
Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Spaces: 7

Jug and Pears- Oil on board 25cm x 30cm  2012pot and lemonsStill life - oil on board 20cm x 20cm 2011

During the course of this full day workshop we will be making studies, planning out a painting, under – painting, colour mixing, mark making and bringing the painting to   completion. This workshop is suitable for both beginners, improver’s and for those wanting to try a different subject or medium. You will follow Paul’s demonstration of a vibrant still life. A small group ensures plenty of individual attention, expert advice with emphasis on a relaxed approach and an enjoyable day.

About the Artist:  

Milsom St Paul Alcock

Paul Alcock trained at Southend Art College and Camberwell Art School gaining a BA Hons in Fine Art – Painting. As a professional artist he produces work covering a wide range of subjects and undertakes commissions. Paul has been teaching adults for the last 15 years in colleges, art groups, as well as for the NHS. Paul has recently had the honour of having his work featured on the cover of Paint Magazine (September).

Refreshments and a deli lunch are included in the course fee, however the artist has supplied us with a list of materials that you will need to bring as follows.

Materials list:

Ready prepared canvas or painting board approx. 16” square.

Oil paints –traditional oils or water mixable oils in the following colours:

  • Titanium White
  • Lemon Yellow
  • Cadmium Yellow Pale
  • Alizarin Crimson
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Cerulean or Prussian Blue
  • Burnt Umber
  • Phthalo Green
  • Magenta

Solvent for oils.

Acrylic paints (if you have them) for under painting – for quicker drying time.

Brushes – bristle, synthetic or sable in a range of shapes and sizes. One large brush (approx. 25mm) and a small round.

Pallet knife, pallet, easel (some can be supplied on request) and sketching equipment.




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