Susan Boddy – Get Started in Watercolour-SORRY FULLY BOOKED

Date: 8th February 2020 - 9th February 2020
Time: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
Spaces: -3

Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th February


This two day course is designed to give you the essential skills you need to begin your watercolour journey

For those who have never used watercolour paints or who need to go back to the start to hone basic watercolour skills, this course will lead you slowly through the important techniques and practices needed to produce successful paintings. Choice of paints, brushes and paper will be explained. You will learn how to mix varying consistencies of pigment and water and use these effectively in laying down washes. Basic colour mixing will be introduced. ‘Wet into wet’ and ‘wet onto dry’ techniques will be demonstrated and practised, then used in simple paintings. Skies, trees and buildings will be worked on and a ‘loose and free’ approach will be encouraged.

Includes homemade lunch, refreshments and cream tea 

About the Artist

As a qualified music teacher, Susan has taught both in schools and privately for over 40 years.  Through this time she has also developed a passion for painting in watercolour and more recently in acrylic and mixed media.
Susan has lived in East Anglia all her life and is constantly stimulated by the beautiful landscape. She has been painting professionally for over twelve years and exhibits regularly; including four solo shows.

What you will need to bring

All the materials and equipment you will need, including artist quality paints, are supplied on this course and you will have the option to buy your set of brushes.

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