Summer Exhibition Round Up
Well we’re still reeling a little from this year’s Summer Exhibition, but what a successful ten days it was.
Firstly I would like to thank, on behalf of Nigel and myself, all of you who came to see the exhibition, those of you who purchased work or booked an event, all the artists who allowed great work to be included and everyone who used the Vault Tea Room, but especially our team of lovely ladies who ran the tea room and even made superb cakes.
With over thirty pieces of work sold and all the positive feedback about the exhibition, it confirms to me that there is a strong demand for art and creativity in Harwich and encourages us to make it even bigger and better next year. So thanks again for all your positive vibes.
Public Art – Meet Esturiana
As I’m sure you all know by now, probably the highlight of this Year’s Harwich Festival was Anne Schwegmann-Fielding’s mosaic boat. For those of you who haven’t been able to see it for real, the little montage at the top of the page gives you a taster.
After the success of last year’s Beached Willow, willow woven whale sculpture, we wanted to see a piece of permanent art for Harwich. We came upon the idea of adorning a boat with mosaic and obviously there was only one person to get on board with the project – pun intended. With Anne engaged and Arts Council funding secured by Festival Director Peter Davis (massive thanks) we knew the project was going to produce something spectacular. Named ‘Esturiana’ goddess of the waters, creativity and the arts, Anne’s finished piece can still be seen at the front of Old Bank Studios, until a permanent site within Old Harwich is decided upon.
Blowing our own trumpets
Below is another photo montage, this time of works sold by Nigel and myself. Unfortunately, I only have images of some of my six pieces sold as I didn’t take photos before they were framed and put behind glass! Schoolgirl error – doh! |