Ever thought about painting in Oils?
The two paintings at the top of the page are both Nigel’s, done in oil, en plein air (out side to you and me) whilst on our recent camping trip to Southwold and are, as he would say, part of his learning process. Of course he has the advantage of lots of different visiting artists to learn from, but it still requires a lot of practice; which is good as he now seems to be hooked and really enjoys it.
Many people, when they decide they would like to have a go at painting, think that watercolour is the obvious place to start. True, in some respects it is a simpler process, but those of you who work in watercolour will know just how difficult it is to master that simplicity. In many ways oil paint is a much more forgiving medium; if an area of your painting isn’t working you can wipe it off and re do it and the paint remains workable for hours. These days you don’t even have to put up with the smell of turps – there is now odour free solvent and even good quality water based oils.
Through the autumn we are offering four Beginners Oil Painting Wednesdays to try and get more of you engaged in this wonderful medium. The groups will be small and aimed at complete novices. All materials are supplied as well as a light lunch, so all you have to do is turn up and have fun – you may find you get hooked as well.
The first one is this Wednesday and there are still a places available:
Daphne Sandham – The Basics and Constable Sketch |