September Newsletter

Back to School

It’s that time of year again, the summer has whizzed by, we’re creeping into autumn and the children are about to start back at school. Even if you don’t have school age kids, the summer holidays effect us all to some degree and July and August seem different to the rest of the year. So, as you get back into your normal routines, perhaps this is the right time to get back to school yourselves and embark upon a new learning experience. If this notion appeals to you and creating and making is what you want to do (you’re reading this so I guess it must be) then read on.

Ever thought about painting in Oils?

The two paintings at the top of the page are both Nigel’s, done in oil, en plein air (out side to you and me) whilst on our recent camping trip to Southwold and are, as he would say, part of his learning process. Of course he has the advantage of lots of different visiting artists to learn from, but it still requires a lot of practice; which is good as he now seems to be hooked and really enjoys it.

Many people, when they decide they would like to have a go at painting, think that watercolour is the obvious place to start. True, in some respects it is a simpler process, but those of you who work in watercolour will know just how difficult it is to master that simplicity. In many ways oil paint is a much more forgiving medium; if an area of your painting isn’t working you can wipe it off and re do it and the paint remains workable for hours. These days you don’t even have to put up with the smell of turps – there is now odour free solvent and even good quality water based oils.

Through the autumn we are offering four Beginners Oil Painting Wednesdays to try and get more of you engaged in this wonderful medium. The groups will be small and aimed at complete novices. All materials are supplied as well as a light lunch, so all you have to do is turn up and have fun – you may find you get hooked as well.
The first one is this Wednesday and there are still a places available:
Daphne Sandham – The Basics and Constable Sketch

Wednesday  6th September
10.00 to 4.30
All materials and lunch included
more info
This will be followed by Still Life with Paul Alcock on Wednesday 4th October, Pallet Knife Seascape with Geoff Thorpe on Wednesday 1st November and Landscape with Figures with Linda Series on Wednesday 6th December.

A bit more Southwold and Banksy

Well Aldeburgh actually. Banksy thoroughly enjoyed his first trip to Suffolk and is seen here admiring Maggie Hamlin’s famous sculpture on the beach -with a shaddowy Nigel.

And here he is again and again; is that a very tiny Banksy above his head – wierd!
This could become a new art textile before the next newsletter.

Other painting days coming up

Breaking News… we have had a cancellation on Marie Antoniou’s Contemporary Pet Portraits workshop this Sunday 3rd September, so a place is available at short notice.

There are only 4 places still remaining for Andrew Geeson’s Wet in Wet watercolours. The theme is loose flowers with a little architecture thrown in as well.

Andrew Geeson
Wet in Wet Watercolours

Saturday 16th September
10.00 to 4.30
more info

Janet Mayled

A bit later in the month we have this amazing artist delivering two separate workshops over a weekend. Working quite large in acrylics and other media, you will be introduced to Janet’s way of representing everyday scenes and objects; where patterns, design and colour develop a greater importance than the merely representational.  Prepare to see the world differently!

Janet Mayled
Acrylic and Mixed Media Workshops

Saturday 23rd September
Still Life with Flowers

Sunday 24th September
more info

Straight from a successful tour of America we are very privelaged to welcome Pastel Artist Tony Allain

Tony Allain– Chasing the Light  Saturday 30th September  more info

Soraya’s back

I feel so lucky to have booked Soraya French for 2018; she is a very sought after lady, especially with a new book out. The name of the book Contemporary Landscapes in Mixed Media is also the theme for our event. This two day course will interest painters and stitchers alike; I am definitely saving a place for myself, what better way to brighten up February. Also, because of travel I have negotiated some great deals with accomodation in Harwich. So if you are booking this course with us, you can book a room at the Pier Hotel or the Alma Inn with a 20% discount; a bargain and it includes breakfast! (book direct with them and quote Old Bank Studios)  more info

Early booking is recommended for this very popular artist.

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter and for your continued support. As always we love to hear from you, so if you want to know any more about what’s going on or maybe have an idea for a , bespoke event, just drop us a line or you can call 01255 242930.

Bev, Nigel and Banksy

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